Ideal temperatures for serving white, red, rosé, sparkling and fortified wines

Ideal temperatures for serving white, red, rosé, sparkling and fortified wines

  • Post category:WINES
  • Reading time:3 mins read


There is a wrong tendency to serve white and rosé wines too cold. The excess of cold anaesthetizes the palate and softens the aromas. The cold highlights the freshness provided by the acidity, however, full-bodied whites do not allow very low temperatures, they need more degrees to express. We normally use 1/3 ice and 2/3 water flapper to keep the wines at the correct temperature. Here are the suggested temperatures for each style of wine.

– YOUNG 6/7 degrees

– LITTLE AGEING 8/9 degrees

– RESERVE (WITH OAK AGEING) 9/11 degrees


The idea that red wine should be served at room temperature is no longer valid. It was correct when it came to the ambient temperature of ancient French castles. The serving temperature of the wine should not exceed 18 degrees. Above this temperature, the alcoholic degree is felt more which can interfere with the tasting of the wine. The excessive cold placates the aromas, numbs the taste buds and makes the tannins more aggressive. The appropriate temperature should be determinated according to the characteristics of the wine. In presence of wines with more body, it’s recommended to lower the temperature so the wine expresses itself better. Next, we highlight the suggested temperatures for each type of wine:

– YOUNG 13 to 14 degrees

– LITTLE AGEING 14 to 16 degrees

– RESERVE (WITH OAK AGEING) 16 to 18 degrees


They are served cold because the aim is to highlight the freshness provided by the acidity. The ideal serving temperature for rosés is between 9 and 13 degrees.


– Non-vintage: For blend sparkling wines that combine different vintages and varietals, the recommended serving temperature would be between 6 and 8 degrees.

– Vintage/ Reserve/ Oak ageing: For sparkling wines from a specific exceptional vintage and varietal, or with oak ageing a temperature of 8 to 12 degrees is suggested, to obtain a better aromatic expression. The temperature cannot be higher because the bubbles become more aggressive.


In fortified wines wine alcohol was added to increase their alcohol content and therefore also their stability and duration.

WHITE: From 10 to 12 degrees.

RED: From 16 to 18 degrees.

To decide at what temperature we drink our wine, it’s important to understand how temperature affects different variables. So, according to the type of wine, we can choose the correct serving temperature.

– At higher temperatures, tannins are attenuated. If the temperature is lowered, the tannins feel more bitter. A lighter structure in the wine, allows to lower the temperature.

– Ageing in oak barrels provide a greater complexity to the wines and also tannins and structure. For that reason, higher service temperatures are suggested for aged wines.

– With higher temperatures, the alcohol attenuates. If the temperature is low, the alcohol becomes more annoying and volatile. For this reason, a lower level of alcohol in wine allows lower temperatures.

– With a low temperature, acidity and carbonic gas stand out, which favours white and sparkling wines. At higher temperatures, the carbon dioxide becomes aggressive.

– At a higher temperature, the wine displays more aromas. An excess of cold soothes the aromas and numbs the taste buds.

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