Travel Insurance & Car rentals

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

If you don't want to take the risk of having a health problem abroad without any type of medical coverage, we recommend you pay for an insurance policy that covers any unforeseen event. Most likely you won't need it, but we still suggest that you include health insurance in your budget. When you travel, it can happen that you drink contaminated local water -even without knowing it through ice on a cocktail-, probably you eat food in street stalls, you try the sushi or ceviche of the area, you eat undercooked meats, you practise some sport, climb a mountain or go diving. All these activities expose you to get sick, having an allergic reaction or simply slipping, which is why you may need health care, studies and/or medication. There are…

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Prision Island & Giant Tortoises – Changuu – Zanzibar

If you decide to spend a vacation in Zanzibar, it is worth spending half a day to get to know this small island. Changuu functioned as a prison and as a quarantine centre, where they located all the yellow fever patients so they did not infect the healthy population. The island is only 800 meters long by 230 meters at its widest point. The British Prime Minister of Zanzibar, Lloyd Mathews, bought the island in 1893 and built a prison complex to send rebellious prisoners and slaves. The island also functioned as a coral mine, which was highly sought after due to its solidity. Corals are part plant, part animal, and part rock. The plant component of coral (algae) needs to photosynthesize like all the plants to generate oxygen and…

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Top 10 Things to Do in Zanzibar Island

The Zanzibar archipelago in the Indian Ocean has 3 islands: Unguja, Pemba and Mafia. Unguja is the main one, which is commonly known as Zanzibar. These islands were coveted throughout their history for their strategic position ideal for merchants who exchanged goods between Arabia, India and Africa. Its culture is a mixture, derived from the colonization by the Portuguese and British, as well as from the Persian and Arab merchants who passed through its coasts. These merchants, first Persians and then Arabs, called continental Tanzania Azania, 'Land of the Negroes', they trade especially spices, slaves and ivory, but eventually, they ended up founding colonies on the coasts. Zanzibar was the centre of the eastern slave trade between the 17th and 19th centuries. The British government prohibited the selling of slaves…

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Masai tribe at Zanzibar & Kenia

In Zanzibar, we had the incredible experience of meeting various exponents of the Masai tribe. How? Simply talking with them on the beach and going to lunch where they normally eat. We went with the Masai group to eat at a restaurant where they usually meet at the north of Zanzibar, Tanzania, we ate with our hands and drank from a shared jar with dark water that had been previously boiled. In their beginnings, they were a nomadic tribe of warriors and shepherds mainly located in Tanzania and Kenya. Even today they keep many of their habits, rituals and initiation ceremonies. Its activity is mainly livestock (goats, cows and sheep). Many of them are semi-nomadic, they change places so their animals can graze on different lands. They live with cattle…

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Orange & Framboise Lunettes

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo As you imagine, the lunettes recipe was created in France. Lunette means glasses, because of the resemblance of these pastries to traditional round glasses. You can also fill your lunettes with a thickened lemon curd, with chocolate cream or with dulce de leche (if you can get it in your area). They are exquisite in all their variations! INGREDIENTS Sable mass: - 1 Egg - 100gr Sugar - 200gr Creamed butter - 300gr All purpose flour - Vanilla essence Padding: - 200gr Raspberry jam - 200gr Orange marmalade Decoration: - Icing sugar PROCEDURE Beat the creamed butter with the sugar and the vanilla essence until you have a pale cream.Add the egg and emulsify.Add the flour and unify without kneading in excess.Refrigerate for…

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Devil’s Cake

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo Devil's Cake is called this way in contrast to Angel cake, both have a North American origin. Devil's Cake is made with dark chocolate while Angel Cake is made with white chocolate. The photo does not lie, it's truly a delight for the senses. We invite you to do it at home! INGREDIENTS Moist chocolate dough: - 3 Eggs - 175gr Butter - 400gr Black sugar - 100gr Unsweetened cocoa - 280gr All purpose flour - 10 gr Baking soda - 185gr Milk _ 185gr Hot coffee - Vanilla essence Chocolate cream: - 400gr Cream - 250gr Dark chocolate - 100gr Creamed butter PROCEDURE For the wet dough, beat the butter with the sugar until you have a pale brown cream.Add the eggs…

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Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo Would you like to have the best brownies for your next tea? Here we go with the recipe! INGREDIENTS - 6 Eggs - 300gr Dark chocolate - 400gr Sugar - 175gr Butter - 175gr All purpose Flour Optional: Chopped walnuts PROCEDURE Melt the chocolate with the butter. Mix the eggs and the sugar just until the egg mixture is broken, it's not necessary to incorporate air.Mix both preparations.Add flour with a whisk to avoid lumps. Optional, add chopped walnuts.Place on a 20x30cm plate prepared with baking paper and vegetable spray. Cook in a medium/ high oven pre-heated at 180°C for approximately 20 minutes.Let cool on the plate for 2 to 3 hours before cutting into portions. SOL ARCEO studied professional Bakery and Pastry at…

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Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo Surely you already know this dessert created in Italy, we share the recipe so you can make it at home. INGREDIENTS Vanilla sponge cake: - 2 Eggs - 90gr Sugar - 20gr Neutral oil - 120gr All purposes flour - 5 gr Baking powder - 50gr Milk - Vanilla essence Mascarpone cream: - 250gr Milk cream - 250gr Mascarpone cheese - 100gr Sugar - 6gr Unflavored gelatin - 40gr Cold water Additional: - 20gr Instant coffee - 200gr Hot water - Bitter cocoa to sprinkle - Optional: coffee liqueur PROCEDURE For the vanilla sponge cake, beat the eggs with the vanilla essence and the sugar until you have a foamy preparation.Add the flour and the baking powder, alternating with the oil and the…

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Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre – South Africa

Several factors threaten the subsistence of African animals: climate change, droughts, pollution, cutting down of natural spaces to develop arable land, illegal hunting, poisoning of felines by ranchers and the high demand for wild species due to different beliefs. The excessive growth of the population favours the advance of the settlements on the green spaces also affects the loss of the natural habitats for several species. Unfortunately, day by day, many animals are hunted, killed and/or injured. In this context, Moholoholo deals with rescuing injured animals, predators that hunt sheep or cows, or sick animals in order to protect, heal, feed them and promote their reproductive conditions. The donations of visitors who come to this rehabilitation centre help the organization to implement rescues, maintain the facilities and buy food for…

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Tour & Tasting at Holden Manz Vineyard

The Franschhoek Valley in South Africa is full of nice wineries and surrounded by beautiful mountains. To take a walk through the vines, try some exquisite international dishes and have a wine tasting, do not hesitate to drive a few kilometres from Cape Town to discover this beautiful corner of South Africa. We chose the Holden Manz winery and the experience was very positive. The food was excellent, the wines too and the views were really stunning. The establishment also has a boutique hotel that worth a visit. The winery produces mainly Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Syrah and Merlot, which they sell not only within South Africa but also to Europe and to the United States. They also produce rosé and white wines: Chardonnay, Chenin and some blends.

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Ostrich Farm & Craft Cider Factory – South Africa

We had never visited an ostrich farm before so we were very excited to discover one near Cape Town, where you can not only visit the establishment and learn more about these animals, but you will also be able to try ostrich recipes and visit its factory of exquisite beers & artisan ciders. The facilities also have a reptile rehabilitation centre, which you can also visit. The dishes are delicious, we were really surprised by the ostrich fillets, very tasty, it is considered red meat but it has very little cholesterol. Besides, the chef accompanied the dish with sauces and vegetables that perfectly highlighted the particular flavours of this type of meat. Our congratulations! We tell you what the experience is like: The walk begins by feeding those animals…

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Explore the magic of South Africa, best places to go

Due to the variety of tribes and social groups that you can find in the African continent, its incredible landscapes and animals, the diversity of mining, agricultural, fishing activities and its cultural identity, South Africa is certainly a unique destination. While planning your trip to South Africa we recommend reading Wilbur Smith books, the Ballantyne saga and the Courtney saga are an excellent start to learn and love the African continent, its history, its people and its mysteries. Once you discover the adventure novels of Wilbur Smith, we warn you that you will not stop reading. Keep in mind when organizing your trip that the distances are long, we recommend you to spend at least 15 days of your time so you can visit different attractions. South Africa's economy is…

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Kruger National Park safari – South Africa

You can't visit South Africa without going to the Kruger National Park. It is a truly amazing experience to discover the Big Five in their natural environment: the lion, the leopard, the rhino, the elephant and the buffalo. Giraffes and hippos are pretty big also but they were left out of the ranking. You have three main options for visiting the park: going with your own vehicle and circulate freely on the roads; hire a private guide and take him in your car: or take an excursion. Some vehicles for the safaris are double height without roof, others are smaller 4x4 also able to do offroad. You can rent your own 4x4 to make offroad yourself, but if something happens anyone will come to solve the problems that may arise.…

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Chocolate Crumble

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo For sure you have tried the apple crumble before. Haven't tried the chocolate crumble yet? Is time to discover it! Let's get to work ... INGREDIENTS Dough base: - 2 Eggs - 200gr Sugar - 200gr Creamed butter - 400gr Flour - 15gr Baking powder - Vanilla essence Chocolate cream: - 300gr Milk - 100gr Sugar - 1 Egg - 30gr Corn starch - 100gr Dark chocolate Crumble: - 100gr Cold butter - 100gr Sugar - 150gr Flour PROCEDURE Dough base: Whisk the butter with the sugar and the vanilla essence.Add the egg and emulsify.Add flour and baking powder. Unify without kneading excessively.Refrigerate 30 minutes to stretch and cover a 20cm diameter cake mold. Chocolate cream: Bring the milk and sugar to a…

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Nutella Mousse Cake

Made by the Pastry Chef Sol Arceo Nutella by itself is amazing, so imagine what a Nutella cake would be. Yes, it's one of the best chocolate cakes that the human race has created. Let's go for it! INGREDIENTS Chocolate base: - 30gr Oil - 100gr Sugar - 1 Eggs - 100gr Flour - 3gr Baking powder - 30gr Unsweetened cocoa Nutella mousse: - 150gr Nutella - 100gr Cream - 150gr Melted butter - 70gr Sugar PROCEDURE Chocolate base: Mix the oil, the cocoa and the sugar.Add the egg and mix.Add the flour, the cocoa, and the baking powder. Integrate to form a dough. Place inside an 18cm diameter ring.Cook in a medium preheated oven at 160 ° C until firm. Let it cool down. Nutella mousse: Beat the cream…

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