Beetroot Risotto

Beetroot Risotto

This recipe is Italian, very colorful and nutritious. It’s a great way to make kids eat beetroot without knowing… Risotto is usually made with starchy rice like carnaroli, arborio, or vialone nano.


– 1 Cup of carnaroli rice

– 1 Onion

– 1 Beetroot

– 6 cloves of garlic

– 1/2 Cup white wine

– 2 Cups of broth

– Salt and pepper

– 80 gr. Butter

– 100 gr. Grugere or Parmesan cheese

– Fresh parsley and / or basil to decorate. In this case we accompany the dish with a piece of Camembert.


– Steam and make a puree with the beetroot, with the help of a processor.

– Cut the onions and garlic into brunoise (very small pieces).

– Place half of the butter in a wok or saucepan and add the onion and garlic to sauté them. Season with salt and pepper.

– Add rice and mix it until it is slightly transparent. Be careful at this point, don’t overcook the rice because if you seal its pores, it won’t absorb water correctly.

– Deglaze by adding the white wine and stir until the alcohol has evaporated. You realize it’s ready because you stop feeling the alcoholic vapours of the wine.

– Integrate the beetroot puree, mixing well with the rice and onions.

– Add the broth little by little as the rice hydrates.

– Stir constantly so the rice releases its starches and the risotto comes out creamy. Cooking takes approximately 18 minutes.

– Once the rice is cooked, remove from the heat and add the grated cheese and the rest of the butter.

– Garnish with fresh parsley or basil.

– Enjoy your exquisite fluo beet risotto!

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