It’s essential to incorporate the habit of doing physical activity regularly to prevent diseases, be in a good physical condition and feel better. This suggested routine focuses on priority areas: pectorals, arms, abs, back, legs, and glutes. We can do the routine in a gym, in our own home, in a park or at the beach. There are several exercises that we can even do watching our favourite Netflix series. In this note, our coach and Personal Trainer, Melina Topp Knudsen, gives us a complete routine so we don’t have any more excuses.
– Generates endorphins, the hormone of happiness, improving the feeling of well-being.
– Promotes muscle mass tone and fat elimination.
– Improves self-esteem, makes you feel better with yourself and your body.
– Combat stress, anxiety, depression and facilitate a good sleep.
– Stimulates circulation, oxygenates and nourishes tissues.
– It favors the elimination of toxins.
– Helps maintain a healthy weight and prevent diseases.
– It gives you energy, since it optimize the functioning of the cardio-respiratory system.
– Improves blood pressure, bone health, blood sugar levels, joint function, and physical endurance.
With all these positive effects, there is not much more to think about. Let’s get to work!
The routine has a number of repetitions, which is the number of times you do the movement, and also a number of sets. Sets have a certain number of repetitions, separated by rest or combination with other exercises. We can alternate sets of glutes with legs, and in the arms sets, alternate different muscles. Thus, while we work one muscle, the other recovers the necessary energy to continue exercising. From each exercise, you will do 3 sets of 30 repetitions. So for example we do 30 squats, immediately 30 adductors, 30 squats, 30 adductors, 30 squats and 30 adductors. Then we continue for 30 donkey kicks, 30 quadriceps and so on with the whole routine. If you don’t have time to do the full routine, focus on the stars as a priority, you better do that part than nothing.
SERIES: 3 / REPETITIONS: 30 – If you haven’t been doing physical activity for a long time, you can start with 15 repetitions and gradually increase. You can also increase the number of sets and add weight to the activity when it’s too easy for you. You can also add a few degrees of inclination to the walk on the treadmill to increase the difficulty.
– A
– B
– C
– D
Before strength exercises it’s always recommended to do a warm-up, to avoid injuries. Doing the first group of exercises (Abs and Middle zone) is enough as a warm-up. But if you add some cardio-respiratory exercises it will be better because they help to burn calories and lose weight. You can do any of the following options:
– 15 minutes swimming
– 15 minutes of intense cycling (outdoor or indoor bike)
– 15 minutes of vigorous walking or running
– 15 minutes of boxing or Martial Arts (you can see videos and tutorials)
– 15 minutes of elliptical, scaler or walking in a treadmill with elevation
– 15 minutes of jump rope
– 15 minutes of intense kayak
– Squats
– Straight leg and donkey kick
– Simple bridge or bridge with one leg
– Adductors
– Quadriceps
– Lunges
– Abductors
– Triceps
– Pectorals
– Biceps
– Shoulders
– Back
– Spinals
– Stretch abs
– Stretch arms
– Stretch back
– Stretch calf
– Stretch legs
– Stretch buttocks
It’s important to stretch the muscles to avoid pain the next day. Stretching prevents injuries, improves muscle function, circulation, posture and helps us to relax after intense activity. It’s recommended to finish the routine with some calm music theme that makes us slow down and helps us relax. Do you join us at the challenge of incorporating an exercise routine into your life?

Melina Topp Knudsen is a National Professor of Physical Education, Personal trainer specialized in Swimming, Training and Health. Follow Melina on Instagram.